Information and support

Circular No: 2022/03

As soon as possible, and after discussions with the employer, the family member or representative must be contacted by:

Note: the WorkSafe FLO or Coordinator - Death and Dependency Claims or a funeral director appointed to handle the burial arrangements may be able to provide details of next of kin or family representative.

Contact family member

The WorkSafe FLO (or Agent as required) must contact the family member Family member means a partner, parent, grandparent, sibling or child of the worker or of the worker's partner to:

  • offer support and guidance for their emotional, financial and community needs
  • offer WorkSafe's Bereavement Support Services
  • discuss potential entitlements
  • if the family member agrees, arrange an appointment for a home visit
  • gather information and/or documents for potential Immediate Support payments
  • explain how to lodge a dependency claim and the claims process and timeframes.

This can be done over a number of contacts.

The Agent must deliver a copy of the WorkSafe Family Companion information pack to the relevant family member.

See: Entitlements

Offer to visit employer and family member

The WorkSafe FLO (or Agent as required) must offer to visit the family member or representative to:

  • deliver the Family Companion information pack
  • help complete necessary forms
  • help collect supporting documentation
  • provide advice and information about claims processes.
  • offer access to the Bereavement Support Service

For information on relevant supporting documentation – see: Guidelines for Claims for Compensation following the Death of a Worker.

Appointments for a home visit with the deceased worker’s family must be made with the consent of the family. It may be that the family is not ready for a visit and may ask for it to take place later; the family’s wishes must be respected.

Home visits may be anywhere in Victoria. The visits may be scheduled at the venue of a third party such as the family lawyer or funeral director.

The Agent may also offer to visit the employer.

Forward information

If not provided at the home visit, the Agent must immediately forward:

Bereavement Support Service

Bereavement Support Services are available from 27 January 2022 for any family member or loved one impacted by a workplace death. As this is a service, not an entitlement, a separate claim for compensation does not need to be made to receive this service.

The service is funded by WorkSafe and is delivered by an independent panel of service providers who will:

An information sheet is available to assist families with selecting their preferred provider.

Referral process
Activity Agent/Self-Insurer Action
Discuss Bereavement Support Services (BSS)

Upon notification of any potential work-related death, the Agent or Self-Insurer should inform the family of the service.

The Agent or Self-Insurer should provide the family with the BSS information sheet to help each family member select their preferred provider.

Obtain consent

Obtain consent of each family member and pass on the following information to the BSS using the Client Referral Template:

• Name

• Contact number/email

• Name of deceased and circumstances of their death

Email referral to provider Refer the above information to the selected provider and Cc bereavement.support@worksafe.vic.gov.au
Receive confirmation of referral By return email (cc bereavement.support@worksafe.vic.gov.au), the Agent or Self-Insurer will receive confirmation from the BSS provider of the referral and that they will contact the family member within 1 business day of receiving a referral.
Client disengagement Upon disengagement from the service, the Agent or Self-Insurer will be notified by the BSS provider via email (cc bereavement.support@worksafe.vic.gov.au).
Dependency entitlements

If the Agent believes a claim may be lodged for dependency entitlements (particularly weekly pensions), the Agent should also forward:

  • Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration forms for each dependant
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) forms (should the dependant want to receive pension payments directly into their bank account).

If an employer receives information from the Agent, the employer, in turn forwards:

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